Call Me Spes

 is available for purchase from, MadHat Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your local bookseller

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 "This book raises the possibility that the devices themselves are actually being humanized as they learn from their users, via AI, and recode to incorporate new information.[...] But is it learning from a dependable teacher? [...] she not only questions what we are learning but what we are teaching our devices as we march toward a robotic world of Artificial Intelligence.  Read the entire review, in Heavy Feather Review, by Jonathan Harrington.

"Reading this collection of poetry felt like trying to crack the code of life in today’s cyber era. " Read more of the micro-review of Call Me Spes, reviewed by Shey Saints.

"Basic building blocks of connection are as universal as binary code. At the core, we are as similar as binary zeros and ones, and as complexly different as the programs sprouting from them." Read more of the interview with the author about Call Me Spes, by Darrell Laurant. 

"As readers we are on this journey looking from the outside in, finding a system caught up in the drama of humanity and losing itself in that story." -Read More of the review by Serena Agusto-Cox.

Brian McAuliff interviews Sara Cahill Marron about her newest book Call Me Spes, and discusses the fate of creativity in the Age of AI.  (June 2024)

Listen to a selection of poems from Spes , performed at Takoma Park, Maryland (October 20, 2022)